Cancellation Policy
By ordering any subscription on our website (including a free trial period), you confirm that you have read and accepted our Terms of Service.
Try our product free for 10 days. Start your trial today and pick a plan later. There is no commitment needed to try our product except to register for a trial version on our website.
Once your trial period expires, your TradingView indicators will be automatically deactivated. There is no cancellation required during a trial version.
We offer one time payment and subscriptions options. There is no cancellation requirement for one-time payment options as your TradingView indicators will be automatically deactivated on the last day of your billing period.
If you cancel your subscription before the end of your current billing period (monthly or yearly) then your indicators will remain active until the last day of your billing period.
If you like to cancel your existing subscription then please ensure you have placed the request atleast 10 business days before the last day of your billing peroid. If you were delayed in cancelling and got charged for the next billing cycle then we will not consider any refunds. In this case, your indicators will be automatically deactivated on the last day of the next billing cycle.
Once you place an order, your TradingView indicators will be activated within 24 hours.
Refund Policy
We have a strict no refund policy for all purchases. Hence, we offer a free trial version for 10 days.
If you have an active subscription then kindly ensure you have placed a cancellation request (atleast 10 business days before due date) to avoid being charged for the next billing period.
How do I cancel?
You can login to our website and cancel your subscription anytime.